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Quizzes & Trivia

Countries That Are Often Mixed Up

Choose the flag from the Netherlands:

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Explore The Rich History & Culture Of Asia

Which ancient civilization developed the first known writing system in Asia?

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See What Kind Of A Friend You Are

Your friend and you are walking, and they just fell hilariously. What is your reaction?

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Let's Test Your Economy Knowledge Of These Countries

Which country uses the baht as its currency?

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How Well Do You Know Your Units?

If a car is traveling at 100 km/h, how fast is it going in miles per hour?

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Guess The Etymology Of The Word

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Count the Shapes and Angles

How many rectangles are there?

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What's Your Next Read?

Pick a snack to eat while reading.

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Can Recognize These 18 Famous Fairytales?

In The Princess and the Pea, how many mattresses and featherbeds were placed over the pea?

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Who Is Your Spirit Philosopher

You’ve just been offered a promotion at work. What’s your first thought?

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Places That Were Forgotten Or Ceased To Exist

Can you name this city?

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Spot The Non-American Celeb

Guess who the non-American celebrity is.

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Guess The Meaning Of The Symbol 2

What function does this symbol serve?

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Can You Guess The Neighbors Of These Countries?

What country borders both Canada and Mexico?

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Discover These 18 Weird History Truths

In 1518, a mysterious "dancing plague" struck the city of Strasbourg. What happened?

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Extrovert-Introvert Scale

Do you feel drained after spending the whole day in crowded places?

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Do You Know The Food That You Eat?

Which of these foods is actually a fruit?

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General Science Knowledge

What is H₂O?

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Test Your IQ

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Foreign Words

What does this mean in English?

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Guess If This Is A Word

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How Tall Are They?

How many giraffes tall is the Eiffel Tower?

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Guess The Meaning Of The Translated Saying

What does it mean if someone says, “something is giving off the taste of zucchinis”?

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50 Fun True Or False Questions

Taylor Swift was born in California.

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